Like an Alien

Comic by Valerie Bruckbög
Nadiya is from Ukraine and studies in Vienna. When Russia attacked Ukraine in 2022 and started a war she was in her hometown Chernihiv. She had to flee from the russian troups with her family. In the comic she talks about her trauma and her life in vienna.
Nadiya is from Ukraine and studies in Vienna. When Russia attacked Ukraine in 2022 and started a war she was in her hometown Chernihiv. She had to flee from the russian troups with her family. In Vienna she often feels like an alien. She listens to Radiohead and thinks about missing Ukraine and her family.
Nadiya is from Ukraine and studies in Vienna. When Russia attacked Ukraine in 2022 and started a war she was in her hometown Chernihiv. At the art university in vienna she meets an art student who wants to talk about philosphy but fails to see her personal struggle with the.
Ndiya, a ujrainian student finally finds work in Vienna at a bar.Immigrants face a lot of obstacles while looking for work in Austria. she has to deal with her family that lives in Ukraine being in danger, while she has to work and act like everything is fine for the customers at the bar.
When the russion forces brutally attack chernihiv in Ukraine Nadiya and her family have to hide underground for a few weeks.
th russian troops threaten the villages in Ukraine and Nadiyas grandfather does not have access to medical care because of the war. He dies. Nadiya speaks the prayers for him even though she is agnostic. But she wants to help him while having to hide underground.
Nadiya's grandfather taught her to play chess and to read literature. She loves Philosophy and studies it in vienna. She especially likes Albert Camus
immigrant students have to stick together. It is not always easy to get the student visa renewed because you need a lot of money. but the friends help each other out.
Nadiya and Tajana move in together after her toxic boyfriend threatens her. They find a flat in the center of vienna.